Professor At Alma Mater

Around two months ago, when Lu Zhou's research was at its busiest, he often thought that when he had more free time, he would go outside and do something he normally wouldn't.

However, when he had free time, he found out that he wasn't interested in the plans he made anymore.

No matter where he went, it wasn't as comfortable as being in his own home, especially in his own study room.

This was the only room in the mansion where he could feel relaxed and at peace.

However, the only downside was that whenever he was here, his mind would inadvertently drift to the unsolved research project topics.

Even though the process of creating knowledge was enjoyable, if he was studying these problems during his vacation, then there would be no point in having a vacation in the first place.

Lu Zhou recently discovered how important it was to have a hobby not related to research.