Full Cooperation

After Lu Zhou turned off his laptop, he began to feel a bit hungry.

It was around noon, so he sent a text to Wang Peng and walked downstairs in a new outfit. He sat in Wang Peng's car and drove toward the cafeteria at the demonstration reactor construction site.

This cafeteria was located on the inner side of the construction site. It was originally reserved for the third phase of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant. However, just like the construction site, it was now given to Lu Zhou.

Just like the other researchers, Lu Zhou only came to Haizhou a week ago. He didn't start cooking at home, nor did he have any cooking utensils.

Even though he was used to cooking for himself, he wasn't a picky eater. Over the past week, just like the other researchers, he ate all three meals everyday at the cafeteria.

Honestly, the food here was quite good. The chefs in charge were military cooks, who were transferred over from the army.