Good Gathering

Near Jin Ling University.

Still that same old cafe.

Chen Yushan had been working in Jinling these past few days. After she received a call from Lu Zhou, they agreed to meet here. Lu Zhou was fulfilling his promise of treating her to food.

"Your laboratory director was contacted by the FBI?"

Lu Zhou took a sip of the coffee and nodded. "Yeah, I received his email this morning."

"Then try to get rid of this situation as soon as possible." Chen Yushan held the steaming cup of coffee and sighed. She said, "This is good for both you and Professor Sarrot."

Lu Zhou thought for a bit and said, "I don't understand."

Chen Yushan: "Don't understand what?"

Lu Zhou: "The Sarrot Laboratory research project does not involve sensitive technology. Most of it is the more troublesome experiments from the Jinling Institute for Advanced Study… If the CIA or FBI is really investigating me, what can they possibly find?"