Inspiration is Contagious

Jinling Institute for Advanced Study.

A laboratory inside the Institute of Physics was filled with smoke.

Sheng Xianfu smoked one cigarette after another as he looked at the design sketch on the table, which he had altered many times, and sighed. "Why do you think Professor Lu is suddenly studying the Yang-Mills equations?"

Li Changxia, who was reading theses next to him, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Sheng Xianfu said, "Are we still doing fusion batteries or what?"

He gave up his director position at the Southwestern Institute of Physics to come here and research the miniaturization of controllable fusion with Professor Lu. However, it had been more than two months and the research project hadn't progressed at all.

Not only did they stagnate, but Lu Zhou was involved in other projects now.

"I don't know."

Sheng Xianfu couldn't help but say, "Can you say anything other than you don't know?"