Great Ideas Often Come From Accidents

Princeton University.

Many professors were seen drinking coffee inside a cafe located on the second floor of a building. This was their favorite place to talk about academia, or simply read a book and enjoy the peaceful afternoon.

Edward Witten was a frequent visitor of this cafe.

Witten was a physicist with a Fields Medal under his belt. Most students had an enormous amount of respect for this man. Students often took the initiative to greet him or talk about obscure physics problems.

The old man happily responded to these students.

He and Professor Fefferman were both approachable people.

One day, after Witten finished his lecture, he came to this cafe. He ordered a cup of coffee and sat by the window. He was surprised when he saw someone walk up the stairs and into the cafe.

"Angus?" Witten's eyes were wide open. He put away his notebook and looked at Professor Angus. Witten then joked, "My friend, why are you back so soon?"