Era Of Space 4.0

Global sandstorm?

After hearing Hou Guang's words, Lu Zhou subconsciously looked at the calendar at the corner of the table. He saw that the year was indeed 2021.

Hou Guang guessed what Lu Zhou was thinking, so he spoke.

"I know you are surprised… In fact, the observers at the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope are also surprised. On average, a global sandstorm occurs on Mars every five to six years."

Hou Guang sighed.

Even though it was a good thing for their opponents to be in trouble, they didn't want NASA to be completely obliterated. It wasn't in their interest for the Ares program to go sideways.

After hearing Hou Guang, Lu Zhou contemplated for a bit.

"Is there a reason?"

Hou Guang smiled and replied, "What reason could there be…"