Traces of Underground Ice?

America's artificial biosphere technology was state of the art.

There were no problems with the design of the entire life support system unit. In fact, one could even make the argument that the design was perfect.

From the air circulation system to the water filtration system and automatic planting irrigation device, each resource was utilized to its maximum efficiency. The biosphere was on the boundary of science fiction.

There was even a three-diameter circular interface door on the side of the life support system, presumably for future colony expansion uses.

Space-X and NASA wanted to expand New Virginia into a hundred-person colony. They wanted to create an ecosystem cycle using the rich methane and carbon dioxide resources.

The only problem, or the only problem Lu Zhou could find, was that the Ares program was executed too hastily. They just happened to encounter a global sandstorm…

This was 70% nature's fault, and 30% human's fault.