Handsome People Problems

[Even though the thesis did not present any groundbreaking results, the methods used have a certain degree of novelty. When it comes to research on Riemann's hypothesis, the Odlyzko–Schönhage algorithm method is worth further exploration.

[Thesis approved.]

"I don't think it has any novelty at all…" Molina said. She placed the reviewer's comments on the table and sighed. She said, "I'm close to giving up on proving the non-trivial zero critical line points… Maybe Professor Atiyah was right. We should choose an easier method… Vera? Are you listening to me?"

Vera was slightly blushing. She looked at Molina and came out of her daydream. Her blue eyes looked to the side as she spoke.

"Oh… I'm listening, thesis approved? Congratulations…"

"Stop lying, you're thinking about him, aren't you?!"

Molina reached out her hand and lifted Vera's chin with a smile. Vera slapped her hand away.


Vera stared at Molina with an unhappy look.