Battle of Jinling?

The day of December 18th.

The old campus auditorium of Jin Ling University was packed with people of all different races and ages groups.

Rarely did this school attract so many foreign visitors, so this naturally caught the attention of the students.

In order to maintain order and to ensure the safety of the participants, the Jin Ling city council even mobilized armed police forces.

It was extremely rare for a scholar to receive this amount of attention.

But then again, this did make sense.

There were more than 2,000 internationally renowned scholars who were attending this report. There were even thousands of people who weren't able to get the report tickets, but they still flew to Jinling with their supervisors. These people, often PhD and master's students, paid out of their own pocket just to know the result of the report as soon as possible.

This type of attendance was comparable to top conferences such as ICM and ICPAM.