The Dust Settles

"… Hyperelliptic curve analysis?"

What do you mean to begin with the basic part?

Do you plan on giving a lecture to all these great mathematicians?

Molina had a weird look on her face as she stared at Lu Zhou like Lu Zhou was a lunatic.

This isn't a Princeton number theory lecture!

There are more than a dozen Fields Medal medalists sitting here, not to mention Abel Prize winners…

This guy is crazy!

Sitting nearby was Tao Zhexuan. He had a completely different look on his face. His look of enthusiasm had turned into excitement. He quietly muttered to himself, "I see, I see…"

Molina looked over and couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

"He's correct!"

Tao Zhexuan had finished figuring it out. He loosened his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. He had a confident smile on his face, as if he were born with a 230 IQ…

"If you're curious, just continue watching."