Returning to Home

When Lu Zhou arrived in Jiangling, it was already late at night. Even though he wanted to go home, he remembered that his parents were probably asleep. Thus, he decided to get a hotel room in the city and asked Wang Peng to drive him back home the next day.

The doorbell began to ring.

Lu Zhou heard the footsteps get closer, and the door was soon slammed open.

When Fang Mei looked at Lu Zhou's familiar face, her eyes were filled with tears of excitement and joy.

"Son! You're finally back!"

"Mom!" Lu Zhou gave his mother a hug and saw his father walk to the front door. Lu Zhou took a deep breath and spoke with a slightly trembling voice, "Dad, I'm back!"

When was the last time I was here?

It was either three or four years ago; Lu Zhou couldn't remember.

Lu Bangguo looked at his son and said, "Fantastic, how was the drive? Come, sit down… This is?"