Mathematics Center in a Siheyuan

Suddenly, the atmosphere went silent.

The air remained quiet for a few seconds.

Old Qiu forcefully smiled, breaking the awkward atmosphere. He rubbed his nose and spoke.

"Oh, I nearly forgot… You're not a kid anymore."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "I'm glad you're able to notice that. It means I haven't wasted the past five years."

"My brain can't keep up with your speed of growth anymore…" Old Qiu sighed and began to reminisce about the past.

After a couple of seconds, he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, why are you at Shuimu University?"

"You might not believe me, but I happened to be walking nearby."

Lu Zhou told Old Qiu about Academician Wang Shicheng's invitation. The old man pushed his glasses and spoke with an unpleasant expression.

"Wang Shicheng… Don't be fooled by his smile, who knows what's behind that face. Don't believe everything he says, this old man is up to no good! You should stay careful!"