Offending Someone

Throughout the entire morning, all Lu Zhou said was "next".

Ever since he found out about Xiao Ai's special ability, he couldn't help but have some fun.

He would scan each report into his phone and ask Xiao Ai to change the texts and parameters into intuitive graphics. With the help from the quantum computer, none of the loopholes could get past Lu Zhou.

Of course, this wasn't entirely because of how powerful the quantum computer was; the main reason was that these reports were just terrible. Even a normal computer would be able to find mistakes.

If these people worked slightly harder on their reports, Lu Zhou wouldn't have been able to immediately find a problem just from his engineering intuition alone.


These presenters that walked through the room had no idea what was waiting for them.

Other than a few presenters who made constructive suggestions, most of their ideas were immediately shut down.