Boss Is Offline!

It was an extraordinary day for the hacker community.

Trying to disrupt the International Lunar Hadron Collider Conference, hacker group Eagle Hunter declared cyber warfare on China.

In less than 12 hours, more than 50 website servers and domain names were hijacked, and dozens of companies reported millions of dollars in damages.

It seemed like the attacks were going to continue, and while everyone was wondering what the hackers would do next, the war suddenly ended abruptly.

Not just that, but several well-known hacker accounts went offline. It was like they vanished from the dark webs.

Especially Boss.

He was one of the top dogs in the hacker community, and the FBI had been trying to capture him for years, but their efforts were to no avail.

However, it seemed like this person suddenly vanished from the Internet. He didn't reply to any messages, he stopped updating his personal blog, and his website went offline.