Want to Drink? It's on Me

Nine o'clock at night, Beijing time.

Sheraton hotel, presidential suite.

Lu Zhou stood next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He was on a call with someone from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

"I dropped your sister off at her apartment."

"Oh, okay, thanks."

"No worries." Qin Yue smiled and said, "Oh yeah, she's living in a student apartment right now… Should I just let her move into your house? I can rent a smaller apartment near campus anyway."

When Lu Zhou left Princeton, he gave Qin Yue the keys to his house and his Ford Mustang. All Qin Yue had to do was pay the property tax every year.

After all, he needed someone to take care of the house. Because Princeton was in the state of New Jersey, if there wasn't someone looking after the house during winter, it was very likely for a frozen pipe to burst, thus damaging the house.

Lu Zhou had quite fond memories of the fireplace in his own Princeton home.