I'm Investing!

The entire conference room was quiet.

Including the person on stage.

"… Your project is interesting, yeah, I think it's good."

Everyone in the conference room was staring at Lu Zhou. Lu Zhou was about to explain why he thought the project was good, but he didn't know what to say.

After a couple of seconds, he cursed in his mind and said, "I think your PowerPoint is interesting, but 5 million is not going to be enough." Lu Zhou then added, "I'll invest 10 million just for starters."

10 million!

There was a huge commotion in the conference room.

For those investors, 10 million wasn't a lot of money, but it wasn't insignificant either.

What confused them the most was how this project was even worth 10 million in the first place?

However, Lu Zhou sat back down without explaining anything. The guy on stage was muddled.

Is this guy going to invest without asking any questions?