Not the Same Family

It often took years before a product could go from research and development to production.

That was normally the case.

However, when it came to the China National Nuclear Corporation, it often took much less time.

Not just because of Wang Zengguang's own experience and strength, but also because of his networks in the electrical engineering field.

Even if he encountered a problem he couldn't solve, he could easily find an expert to help him solve the problem.

Of course, even though he was more than capable, most of the design work was still done by Beep Beep Charging's team.

This was Lu Zhou's request.

"… Not bad, just follow the design." Academician Wang looked at the new design and handed the blueprints back to Wang Qiang.

It was almost like a weight had been lifted off Wang Qiang's shoulders, and he sighed in relief.

The past month was hell for him and his research and development team.