Rules Are Made for Winning

First was the US Department of Commerce investigation, then was the Department of Justice; they were all going after Star Sky Technology.

If a conviction was formed, Star Sky Technology might have to pay a 10 figure fine for the SH standard and lithium-air battery patent bundling agreement.

The United States seemed to have set its eyes on attacking this high-tech Chinese company.

The day after the Department of Justice report came out, the news of the antitrust investigation spread throughout China.

Soon after, heated discussions began to spread.

[F*ck sake, do the Americans want to destroy Star Sky Technology?]

[This is ridiculous! We bought it when it was worthless, now we find out it's valuable, and they're trying to say the sale wasn't legal?]

[It looks like Star Sky Technology is being too flamboyant, they should have been more low-key! If they didn't have their SH standard, this wouldn't have happened!]