Time Machine

Inside the same ward.

A girl with a slim figure wearing a medical gown made of special materials lay inside the dormant cabin.

Lu Zhou was standing next to this "bed". He handed over a stack of documents to her.

"… This is a household registration document, we need your signature."

Vera tilted her head and said, "Household registration?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Yeah, you're a Fields Medalist. Even though we're not an immigrant country, we have special policies for talented individuals. I've contacted Dean Goddard from the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and explained the situation to him. You're now technically employed by the Jin Ling University. You're going to stay here for a long time, so I'm afraid a work visa won't be enough."

The visa wasn't a big problem now, but a couple of decades down the line, it might be cumbersome.

Also, with Lu Zhou's political power, he could easily obtain a registered residence for Vera.