Second Closed Beta

Male dorms, room 201.

Li Mo entered the room with his backpack on, and he spoke before he even put down his bag.

"You guys won't believe what happened today!"

Duan Siqi put down his pen and looked back. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and said, "… What?"

Li Mo: "Professor Perelman! The legend that left the mathematics world! He joined our research project!"

Wu Di was playing Dota Auto Chess. Without turning his eyes away from his screen, he said, "… I don't know what you're talking about, who is he?"

"Professor Perelman! The German mathematician that solved the Poincaré conjecture!" Li Mo said with excitement. He didn't care if the others understood him, he continued, "Faltings and Schultz were also there! This is nutty, the entire Bourbaki Group is at our university!"

Yang Shuang was the only one bored enough to pay attention to him. Everyone else was obviously not interested.