The Terrifying Fields Medalist

[When ords=nζ(X,s)=(i∈Z)Σ(−1)^(i+1)·dimQ·Ki'(X)(n) is established, there is Cq(D,k)={ (f(x1),···, f(xn))∈Fnq|f(x)∈Fq[x], dedf(x)≤k−1…]

An office inside the Jin Ling University mathematics department building.

Schultz, as well as the newly joined members of the Grand Unified Theory research team, stood in front of a whiteboard, staring at the densely written equations.

After five minutes, Lu Zhou rubbed his chin and gave an evaluation.

"It's a very interesting idea."

Perelman nodded in agreement with Lu Zhou and spoke.

"True, this is a very novel idea."

Faltings did not say anything, but his facial expression clearly showed that he was in agreement.