Distant Planet Colony System

Jinling aerospace assembly center.

This high-tech factory covered an area of more than 100 acres. It collected and distributed state-of-the-art aerospace equipment. The Star Voyage One quantum computer provided cloud information services and used assembly lines, multi-axis electric drive robotic arms, logistics vehicles, and automated equipment such as aerial vehicles to fully standardize and automate production.

This place was like a furnace, melting and forging the dreams of all Chinese citizens.

Director Chang Hezhi stood inside this behemoth. He was one of the people in charge of the Mars landing plan. Together with Academician Yuan Huanmin and other senior engineers and executives of aerospace technology groups, they stood there quietly and waited.

After about ten minutes.

Finally, under the escort of several military vehicles, a black car drove into the parking lot. It stopped at the entrance of the factory.