Splitting Up

"Let's split up."

Lu Zhou looked at the two paths in front of him and pondered for a moment. He then said, "We'll move on along the passage on the right. You… take another person and explore along the left. If it's a dead-end, then retreat and come back."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to do." Fan Tong said, "The underground passage is in a state of dynamic change with a two-hour cycle. Even if we return along the same path, we won't be exactly where we were."

The members of the expedition team were shocked. Except for Wang Peng and Lu Zhou's calm expressions, everyone else looked astonished.

Aubrey couldn't help but speak, "How is that possible? How can the paths change? Are there ghosts here?"

Professor Vernal's face was also in shock; his tone was full of suspicion.

"Even if there are violent tectonic movements… Two hours is too short."