Keep You Waiting

Jin Ling University, mathematics department building.

In a modernly decorated office, an old man with gray hair stood in front of a lifelike painting, staring straight at the person in the portrait. He seemed to have fallen into a distant memory.

Footsteps came from outside the office, followed by two soft knocks on the door.

The old man, who did not look away from the painting, spoke in a steady voice with a hint of majesty.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open.

A tall and thin young professor with glasses opened the door and walked in.

"Supervisor, were you looking for me?"

The person standing at the door was named Sun Jingwen. He was in his mid-thirties.

As a genius in the mathematics department of Jinling University and even in the Pan-Asian mathematics field, he was awarded the Fields Medal at the age of 31 and was regarded as the most promising young scholar to win the Lu Zhou Mathematics Prize before the age of 40.