
The door soon opened.

An old man about 60 or 70 years old, with a red smile on his face, walked in from outside.

"Academician Lu, I have been looking forward to this! I wanted to visit you a long time ago, but unfortunately, I never had the opportunity. Now I finally get to see you."

"Academician Zhang, you're too kind, come on inside."

After a polite greeting, Lu Zhou invited Academician Zhang from the hallway to the living room. He then ordered Xiao Ai to pour a cup of hot tea for the guest.

The two discussed the pulsed magnetic field in detail.

To be honest, although Lu Zhou had a general understanding of his academic ability before this, his level was still beyond his expectations.

In particular, what Lu Zhou didn't expect was that after reading his own paper, he could actually come up with so many constructive academic viewpoints.

And these constructive academic views, to a certain extent, had inspired Lu Zhou himself.