The Missing Crew

Space station.

A small transport ship approached slowly and docked next to the port.

The gangway lowered, and several soldiers in officer uniforms walked down the gangway under the escort of the guards.

Li Gaoliang looked at the officers coming towards him. He then handed over the work to his subordinates and stepped forward to salute.

In response to the military salute, Yang Wu, chief consultant of the Pan-Asia First Fleet, looked around and asked, "What is the situation here?"

"I made people search inside and out, but we still didn't find any traces of pirate activity," said Li Gaoliang. A strange expression appeared on Li Gaoliang's face as he said, "But strangely, I'm sure that someone stayed here before. We found many leftover personal belongings in the dormitory section of the space station."

Yang Wu frowned.

"Personal belongings?"