Responsible For Soldier

Time went back to five hours ago.

At the ground floor of an apartment on the edge of Jinling's Second Ring Road.

Standing in front of the building where the cordon was pulled, Wang Peng looked up at the sky, then at the guard room next to him. He walked over and knocked on the window.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

The window opened.

A person poked his head out, glanced at Wang Peng, and asked, "Renting a house?"

"Looking for someone." Wang Peng pointed to the unit building with the cordon next to him and asked, "Excuse me, what happened here? Why can't I go up?"

"Go up? Are you kidding me? The neighbor building residents almost all moved away, let alone this building. As for the cordon, it was taped up by the police. You should have heard. It was the explosion that caused a sensation in the entire Yangtze River Delta city group some time ago. Don't tell me you didn't watch the news."