Plan From Long Ago

The celebration of the fusion ignition day came to an end, but the excitement that burned in people's hearts did not cool down. Instead, it was pushed to a new peak.

Space elevator!

This magnificent project originally existed only in people's imagination. No one had ever thought that one day in the future, it would truly enter their lives.

It seemed that this day was coming soon.

Regardless of what the audiences in front of the TV were thinking, for those sitting in the venue, almost no one suspected that Lu Zhou was joking with them.

After all, just three days ago, they sat here and witnessed a miracle with their eyes. They would never forget the shock brought to them by the aurora that enveloped the night sky of the entire city group.

Also, if even the second-generation controllable fusion problem of the century couldn't stop him from moving forward, how could a space elevator stop him?