The Dawn Beyond the Speed of Light

Jin Ling University.

Two mathematics students who came to the library to study on their own were sitting quietly in a corner of the library.

One of them, who was wearing a pair of glasses, gestured in the air on the holographic screen while the other was lying on the table, thinking hard about the formulas on the holographic screen.

Pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose, Zhang Tao took a moment to glance at the holographic screen on his roommate's desk. He suddenly showed an expression as if he had discovered a new world.

"Yo, Old Xu, why are you still researching physics?"

As if he didn't want to be found out about what he was doing, Xu Teli gave his roommate a side glance and said with a dry cough, "No, it's just interesting to see this equation. It doesn't seem to be difficult, so I'm trying to solve it."

"And then? Have you solved it yet?"

Seeing his roommate leaning in eagerly, Xu Teli had to admit his failure angrily.