Voided Trump Card

At the headquarters of the Alpha Centauri Colonial Exploration Foundation.

Normally, there were usually many people gathered outside the building. But now, forget about the outside of the building, there weren't even that many people inside the building.

Walking into the office quickly, Gladstone opened the holographic operating system on the desk, went through the double verification procedure of iris and fingerprint, and quickly pressed a few buttons.

Soon, a holographic beam was projected in the center of the office, and an old man who looked weathered but had sharp pupils emerged from the holographic beam.

Before the old man could speak, Gladstone spoke in a panic.

"It's the Third Orbital Airborne Brigade! The chaos outside has become a mess, and the militia organization in Tiangong City has been beaten down! More than 50% of the residential areas are under their control… Hurry up and think of a solution!"