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Downstairs at the Alpha Centauri Colonial Exploration Foundation building, the crowds filled every gap in the street.

It had been a week since the announcement of the news. However, the people around here still had no intention to disperse. Officer Fan, who was in charge of maintaining order, had a worried expression on his face. He was out of options.

"Let Gladstone come out!"

"Repay the debt!"

"Yes! Why let us bear the mistake made by that idiot?! We have never supported the independence of Tiangong City. We absolutely support the union with Pan-Asian Cooperation!"

"I knew this would happen long ago! People from the North Sea Alliance are all liars! Robbers! All of them!"

The complaints came in waves; these people seemed tireless.

After hearing the last sentence from the crowd, Officer Fan couldn't help but think, If you already knew that someone was a liar, why would you take the bait?