Departure and Farewell

In the orbit outside the majestic spaceport, a long shuttle-shaped spacecraft went back and forth between the spaceport and the Milky Way ship, loading materials that might be used by the colonists into the cargo area.

It was like a threaded needle, weaving an invisible net in space.

Not only was the orbit outside the spaceport busy, but the inside of the spaceport was the same.

The hustling and bustling crowd passed through the steel corridor towards the Milky Way starship, and under the guidance of the flight attendants, they boarded the flight to Tau Ceti…

"Can't these people build an elevator?" Shi Zhenghua raised his head and glanced at the corridor. He clutched the handrail with his right hand and whispered in a quiet voice, "How long is this going to take to walk?"

This corridor that connected the spaceport to the Milky Way was really quite long and somewhat unfriendly.