Let me guess what you are thinking, "I wonder if this book will be more interesting than the last". Well my answer is that i promise you that I will make you stuck to this book till the very end with a mind filled with more questions and new perspectives of the simple life you are living. I will be telling you stories of the lives I have lived. 'Lives' is not a typo.
Yes I have lived several lives, more specifically, I have lived six lives, plus this life that I am still trying to enjoy in the most peaceful way, unlike my last lives. Now, you may be asking "Is this person crazy thinking she has lived more than once?" or "She must be mentally sick", you may believe what you want, but I know what I'm talking about. I know this because my body has a history. I promise this won't be a bibliography of some random and boring person. This story will have a lot of adventures, sad moments, and lessons of life.
Now let's begin with first my present life and how I have come to realize my past lives, shall we? At first I thought it was my young and active imagination making things be a coincidence in my life. But then it wasn't a coincidence any more, but facts. I am a highschool student right now, which people might think is the second dramatic stage of a person's life after middle school. But not for me -I try to keep it simple. Not much has happened in my life, my parents got divorced and I ended up living with my mom. My mother eventually go together with my step dad, giving me a beloved step sister. Some people actually feel bad, thinking it was a the saddest moment in my life, but it really wasn't.. My parents divorce honestly could be the best thing that happened to me, I'm happy with my step dad, he's like my best friend.Before I met my step dad, I was lonely. A lot has happened during my recent life, but I will save that for last.
Because of my present life I have thought that everything I have seen or felt in my dreams were just memories of what I have done, but the feelings do not connect as much. I feel like I have done these things…. Well, not me. I have had these dreams before but I thought it was just my imagination making these recurring dreams up.. I love action movies, so it made sense that in my dreams I was always being chased. My dreams it mostly consists of me running through forests, dark alleys, or buildings. When I feel like I'm being chased I run; I'm confused why, but I know why i am being chased. I know that I am running because my life is in danger, many people are chasing me but in each dream they had different weapons. I know they either have guns or spheres, or they would just chase me down. I feel afraid, but sometimes the fear goes away. Sometimes..
I somehow know how to escape and where to go so they will not find me. Unfortunately, at the end of the chase, they always get me. I end up dying by getting shot, stabbed, or worse. I wake up feeling the place that i have been hurt. The pain remains for a minute or so, but i can still remember the burning pain of each wound. I can recall how the blazing hot bullets feel inside me, singeing my flesh. I remember the horrendous stench of iron and charred skin mingling together, assaulting my senses. . I remember the rush from the running, and the fear- but in the end, i do not fear any more. I look straight to my murder's eyes and i wake up with the pain. 'It all felt so realistic', I would always think to myself, the weather, the sounds, the wind against my burning face, the struggle of my body, the feeling of exhaustion that would linger even when I woke up.
Now, I thought this was all from my imagination, until I noticed a strange pattern. One day when I woke up from my 3rd death dream, I was curious to check the place that my murderers killed me from. The place that hurt when I woke up was exactly on my birthmark that I had on my side. The thing is even though I'm in high school I barely notice most of my birthmarks . The strangest thing was that in that dream someone has stabbed me and went through both my sides, so when I turned to see my other side, I had another birthmark. What was intriguing about these two birthmarks were that they were the same size and shape, but the one on my right side is higher than the one on the left. As if something stabbed me from an angle, which was exactly what happened in my dream.
At that point I tried to recall the last two death dreams I have had. My second dream was when I was shot in my back, then shot two more times on my neck. Then I realized that I have two birthmarks on my neck as well. Both the same size and shape. When I was trying to recall my first death dream I started to get nervous. My first death dream was being tortured to death, before I woke, my left thigh was getting burned. I was shocked because on my left thigh was where i had my biggest birthmark. Its slightly faded but noticeable. After knowing what was happening. I made my own theory which was not too check any further birthmarks and to keep on waiting to see if i have any more death dreams that can indicate if my birthmarks are actually my last injury that caused my death.. Right now I am 17 years old and I have had the total of 6 death dreams, no more, no less. So for now I believe I have had 6 lives. And so far my theory is right. Every dream of me dying has been marked on my body Every death has a birthmark that matches perfectly the way I died. Now let us begin with my story that i have made up based on my 6 lives. I'm not saying that I actually remember my lives, but I thought it would be fun to make a story that may have lead up to the events of my deaths.
Now shall i tell you my past lives that lead up to my deaths?
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