Turning the Shower Knob with One Hand, He Wrapped His Arm Around Her Waist and Lifted Her Up

Although Ji Nuan was already held in Mo Jingshen's embrace, she silently shifted closer to him.

Although she could not grasp the meaning between their words clearly, she could smell the vague gunpowder scent in the air.

She had already known that Nanheng's background wasn't simple. Someone involved in the ammunition business could never be simple. But this was far more serious than she had imagined.

This incident involved not only ammunitions but various countries and the underground world. The different areas and the many more intertwined issues were all things Ji Nuan had never once been in contact with.

At this moment, the only thing on her mind was if Nanheng's background was this complex, what sort of relationship did he really have with Mo Jingshen and Qin Siting?

She vaguely remembered Qin Siting mentioning that he had once saved Feng Ling's life in America.

What about Mo Jingshen? Among them, what sort of role did Mo Jingshen play?