Mo Jingshen's Brand of Loving Breakfast She Had Not Had in a While

"We'll go there right after." Before the man finished speaking, Ji Nuan's legs were abruptly held down by him. The world tilted on its axis as she was pressed onto the sofa.

She raised her head to meet the man's ridiculously dark and deep-set eyes, and actually began to stutter: "You… control a little, ah…"

The man kept her in that position, forcing her legs to lift. Before she could even finish her words, he abruptly and forcefully thrust forward…

He held her chin, kissing her face. Ji Nuan's hair was messy and her cheeks bright red. She appeared indescribably lovable and charming. Fragmented whimpers rose from her throat, as though she was pleasured but at the same time tortured. She subconsciously gripped the sofa fabric tightly into her hands.

The man leaned down, kissing her damp face. His voice was tight and husky as he pressed against her soft lips to demand: "Did you miss me?"