In the Dark Corner, a Man and a Woman...

Especially when Su Xueyi suddenly saw Ji Nuan, she stared at her with red eyes as if being stimulated, and then turned and came straight to Ji Nuan.

Before Ji Nuan had noticed Su Xueyi's motion, Mo Jingshen had quietly drawn her behind him and shielded her with his body.

"Ji Nuan? Why are you here?" As if not seeing anyone else, Su Xueyi stared at Ji Nuan.

Su Xueyi was about to go up to her when Mo Jingshen's cold and indifferent voice rang. "Elder Su, what do you mean?"

"Xueyi has been cooped up at home since she was frightened last time. Now it's Spring Festival, and we can't keep this child in the room all day. As her best friend, Zhilan took her to this dinner party for relaxation. You know, she suffers a mental illness, so if we take her to places where there are a lot of people maybe she can get better," Elder Su said all smiles.

Mental illness?