Blackout, Darkness, Mo Jingshen, a Forced Kiss (2)

The people of the property management office said the workers had gone over for emergency repairing, and the power was expected to be fixed within an hour. Hearing this, Ji Nuan hung up the call.

Since the power would be fixed within an hour, Ji Nuan planned to go upstairs when the power was on.

But now it was 11 o 'clock at night. No one was around, and her cell phone only had less than 10 percent of power left and wouldn't be able to last for an hour.

She lived on the fifteenth floor. She could climb the stairs, but it would be so exhausting that even her legs trembled.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Nuan decided to climb the stairs. She turned on the flashlight on her cell phone, and with that light, she entered the stairway passage.