Blackout, Darkness, Mo Jingshen, A Forced Kiss (5)

Seeing that Ji Mengran directly led the topic to the investment, Mrs. Xu took a glance at her with a smile. "Since you are also in this industry, why didn't you cooperate with your sister to develop MN Group? By the way, Chairman Ji is getting old, and you two will inherit the Ji Corporation sooner or later. Now that CEO Ji has already the MN Group and doesn't have enough energy and time, you'll be in charge of the Ji Corporation in the future, won't you?"

If Ji Hongwen really intended to give everything to Ji Mengran, she would not have to follow Sheng Yihan like a dog every day, nor did she need to look all around for investment.

The problem was that after Ji Mengran came back after disappearing for more than a year, Ji Hongwen was very angry at her although he didn't drive her out of the Ji family. And because what she once did to Ji Nuan, Ji Hongwen said that he would rather donate the Ji family's properties than giving them to Ji Mengran to squander.