To Prove a Person Guilty, You Need Evidence. To Catch an Adulterer, You Need to Find Them on the Bed (4)

The only place he could hide was the restroom, but it was taken by Ji Nuan.

A loud, banging noise abruptly resounded against the door. It was a heavy and fierce, rattling one's heart into feeling flustered.

"Get out! This old lady is asking you to come out!"

At this moment, the private room door was slammed open. CEO Zhang's 1.8 meters tall and fat figure could not help from trembling. Mrs. Zhang charged in. She was also rather big and was around 1.7 meters tall. Her figure was considered strong and difficult to bully amongst women.

When Mrs. Zhang saw CEO Zhang, she immediately cursed heavily as she charged forward to grab his ear. "Good on you! Your courage has really grown, hasn't it? You actually dare to mess around with women outside? Where is that vixen named Ji Nuan? Didn't she come here with you? Weren't the two of you flirting outside the KTV? Where is she? Did the fucking vixen really disappear?"