The Man's Extremely Handsome Face Is Blurred by the Light

Exchanging pleasantries, they came into the elevator. As Ji Nuan guessed, Deputy Director Chen was very curious about the Shine Group. Even the slightly more technically designed elevator amazed him, and he kept asking Shen Mu questions. Fortunately, Shen Mu was gentle, patient, and better at dealing with people than ordinary assistants. Otherwise, he wouldn't be entrusted with such an important post by Mo Jingshen for many years.

As they chatted, the elevator reached the floor where the meeting room was. Deputy Director Chen walked in front, and Ji Nuan followed slowly behind. When she passed by an office, she saw there were many employees who she hadn't seen before inside, as well as many old employees who she knew. She looked away so as not to arouse their curiosity and gossip.