Bring Him Up Again, and I'll Immediately Drive You to Tears on This Bed

Mo Jingshen placed her on the bed and tugged the sheets over her. He silently picked up the air-conditioner remote and adjusted the temperature to twenty-six degrees Celsius.

Afterward, he watched the woman on the bed. From her fair and clear complexion, he could see the tolerance she was used to maintaining. There were no longer any signs of the way she used to act spoiled around him.

In the past three years, she had grown rapidly as he had hoped.

If the old Ji Nuan, who had been loved dearly by his side, was a hedgehog with almost all of her spikes removed, this Ji Nuan was a lazy kitten that appeared harmless. Although she seemed indifferent, she had unbelievably sharp claws.

"Qin Siting will visit today. Let him take a look at your head wound later. If you don't feel like heading out, rest in the bedroom." The man sat by the bed and held her hand. He casually placed his hands on her abdomen.