How do You Expect Me to Sleep with You Here?

He slowly and huskily said, "What are you used to? Wriggling on the bed like a shrimp, were you intentionally trying to cause my heart to ache?"

Ji Nuan's expression darkened. "You're the one who looks like a shrimp!"

Mo Jingshen's hand remained pressed against her abdomen as he gently kissed her cheek. Ji Nuan did not resist as she was held in his embrace, but her eyes were narrowed. "Even if you want to take advantage of someone, you have to check if the situation is appropriate. At such a time, you're still trying to take advantage of me. You're truly inhumane."

Mo Jingshen paused in his movements and lost his smile. "I've done plenty of inhumane things. Does it matter if I add one more?"

"Ss… move your hand away!" His palm was pressed against her abdomen and seemed to carry an unending amount of heat. In her vulnerable state, it brought out her desire to depend on him, and Ji Nuan instinctively resisted such a feeling.