This Man, It Was Impossible to Conceal His Black-Bellied Nature

Charity auctions were a common occurrence within the high society. Typically, the organizers would obtain various treasures or antiques through unique channels and bring them out to auction. Although they called it a charity auction, and to a certain extent a large portion of the proceeds would go to selected local charity organizations, it was mainly used by various men and women in the high society as a way to socialize.

The hotel was extremely large, and the charity auction was held in a circular hall located at the end of the ballroom. There were seats in the area meant for the attendees.

The hall was spacious. Aside from the stage, which was used to display the featured items, there was also a wide vacant area where an auctioneer stood. He was already making the necessary preparations. The organizers had arranged the best seats for Mo Jingshen and Ji Nuan. They sat close to the center and were able to see everything on and off the stage clearly.