Last Night, Who Was the One Who Clung Onto Me After Every Round Ended?

"Stop torturing me. If you want to take me, do it now while I'm not rational. Mo Jingshen, hurry up…" Ji Nuan cried out: "I can't take this anymore!"

He lowered his head to kiss the corner of her lips, calmly saying: "It's been three hours since you were drugged. If you stay composed for a little longer, the drug effect should fade. Tolerate it for a while more, en?"

Ji Nuan gripped the fabric on his back: "I can't tolerate it anymore!"

"Then do you want me? Or do you want me to go to the adult shop downstairs to help you buy…"

Ji Nuan held his neck tightly and reached up to kiss him. Their bodies were pressed tightly together and without leaving any gap in between, she delivered herself into his arms.

Let's just say that she had gone mad.

She really could not control herself any longer!