The Story of Ling and Heng (22)

Nanheng suddenly pressed out the cigarette in the ashtray, got up, and strode over—

When he saw Feng Ling being held by the member behind him with two hands, Li Nanheng narrowed his eyes slightly and pulled Feng Ling out of that man's arms.

In dizziness, Feng Ling stumbled and saw stars. She could vaguely hear someone talking, but couldn't open her eyes. When she was pulled out, she was thrust into a man's strong chest and a pleasant, refreshing smell of cigarettes poured into her nose. She immediately frowned and the next moment, she was carried over his shoulder by the man with one hand.

This violent action almost made Feng Ling throw up, but she was so exhausted that she couldn't even lift up her fingers. She closed her eyes and panted, feeling very uncomfortable.