The Story of Ling And Heng (50)

It was now afternoon. There was an hour left to the afternoon training session set at 1:00 p.m. Feng Ling remained in her room to tidy up and did not go for lunch.

K and Tam took the opportunity while Boss Li wasn't around and came to knock on her door.

Feng Ling had kept her door tightly locked. After hearing their knocks, she abruptly asked, "Who is it?"

K and Tam exchanged glances without speaking. K then made several successive knocks rhythmically against her door.

A short moment later, Feng Ling immediately understood who it was. Previously, when K and she had been out on a mission, they had come up with this secret signal. The rhythm was something only K and she knew.

Feng Ling stood up and opened the door with a smile. "Why are you guys here?"

Tam lifted the takeaway lunch in his hand and indicated for her to eat it.