The Story of Ling and Heng (225)

"That's less than half an hour." Hearing it, Li Nanheng helped Feng Ling lean against the cliff wall, then took off her coat, and took out a sharp dagger from the interlayer of her coat.

Feng Ling leaned weakly against the rock wall and panted hard. Feeling breathless, she felt very uncomfortable and fell into a trance.

Hearing some sound, she opened her eyes with difficulty, only to see that Li Nanheng had made a fire with leaves and was baking the dagger on the fire.

She sat there motionlessly and watched the man's movements.

After baking the dagger for a few minutes, Li Nanheng put his shoulder close to her mouth, held her arm in one hand, and held the dagger in the other, saying in a low voice: "Bite me if it hurts."

Feng Ling looked at him. "It has been half an hour and the poisonous blood has probably…"

"Shut up. We will clear the poisonous blood as much as we can." Li Nanheng said while warning, "Don't move."