The Story of Ling and Heng (259)

The knocking on the door was continuous and hurried. She managed to get up from the ground, but her legs were soft and she was so dizzy that she staggered into the room and hit her head on the leg of the table. Then she felt even dizzier.

Then, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

She raised her head and vaguely saw that some members of other teams in the base came in. After they came in, they took a glance at her without any expression, then quickly opened all the drawers in her room, and stuffed all items in the drawers into a big bag. And then they picked up the two suitcases she had placed under the bed and walked out.

"What are you doing?" Seeing their movements, Feng Ling had a bad premonition in her heart. She frowned and asked hoarsely.

Just then, two members came over and pulled her up from the ground, forcibly taking her out.