You Are My Little Love Song (23)

"Shi Niange, what are you looking at?" The teacher suddenly glared at her warningly. "Pay attention to the tools in your hands! Don't hurt your hands!"

Shi Niange, who was suddenly caught by the teacher, quickly turned her head. Zhao Xiaoqing chuckled and looked at her. Shi Niange also lowered her head to snicker. She took the opportunity when the teacher wasn't paying attention to look back and saw that Qin Siting was still standing there doing experiments with the teacher. In comparison, Qin Siting was much taller than the teacher. Standing there, he was really eye-catching.

"Stop being a love-struck fool. Hurry up. If the experiment isn't completed by the end of class, your Male God will become a joke." Zhao Xiaoqing patted her.

The words "your Male God" made Shi Niange feel as though her feet were about to float.