You Are My Little Love Song (119)

Wow, there was egg soup and her favorite Qin's onion noodles. Qin Siting came to her house so late. This birthday was too perfect!

At this moment, her grandfather called. Shi Niange looked at him reluctantly in the kitchen and turned to answer the call.

"Nian Nian, it's your birthday today. Grandfather is still in the provincial office and didn't take the time to go back. I'll make it up to you when I'm free in two days."

"I'm fine, Grandfather…" Shi Niange muttered as though she was sleepwalking." You've already… put back the birthday present I wanted the most. "

"What?" Hearing her words, Grandfather was stunned for a few seconds. "What birthday present do you want the most?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. Grandfather, how old am I? It's just a small birthday. My classmates have already celebrated for me today. And tonight… there will be good food soon. I'm very happy today. You don't have to worry about me."